Saturday, May 28, 2011

My Mail Girl

Ever since Lizzie has been with me FULL time in 1995, her favorite task has been to "get the mail." Not a day went by that she wouldn't get her mailbag and head down the driveway or walk to the community mailbox in this neighborhood we live in now. Sometimes she would take a stroll around the block on her own ... swinging the bag as she walked. It's been a long time since she has thought about the mail, so I was shocked when she asked if she could go get it this morning. Today, however, I went with her. I gave her the choice of just going to the boxes or taking a walk around the block as well. She chose the walk and so walk we did. It was so wonderful to see her smiling and hear her laughing as she said, "This is really fun, Twin Sister."

Lizzie has moved on today. She was picked up by her caregiver, and they are off to a party that includes dinner and a band for an 80th birthday party. She was dancing down the sidewalk as she walked to the car with Milda. As I watched her, I thought, "Lizzie has a new life with new people and lots of activities that she loves." While I've been told she talks about me a lot, she doesn't express "missing" me, and when she is with Milda, I can see she doesn't. That's OK. I want her to be happy and safe above all else in her journey.

1 comment:

  1. hI
    my name is Jenna and I came across your site. Lizzie is an amazing person, and I know she is a great sister to you, and loves u to pieces as I know u do too. That is a neat story about the mail. I am sure she will never forget the mail and the things she loves to do. I know that she probably does miss you and will always miss you no matter what. I was born with a rare life threatening disease, and I love when others sign my guestbook.
